Client Testimonials

"How the Center for Wellbeing-Centro Bienestar Helped Me"

silhouette of man sitting in window
“Desde que vine a Centro Bienestar yo he aprendido mucho de mi desorden y como manejarlo, y tengo mas esperanza aqui en los Estados Unidos que me van a ayudar con mi caso de asilo ya que me han dado el permiso de trabajo y mi numero de social security. He aprendido a esperanzarme en mi mismo y mis habilidades. Gracias a ellos que los ayudaron con dinero para que yo podría recibir estos servicios. Y gracias a Americares por mandarme a Ustedes. Estoy muy agradecido.” ~ Franklin, 28

Since coming to The Center for Wellbeing-Centro Bienestar I have learned a lot about my mental illness and how to manage it and I have a lot more hope that the United States will help me with my request for asylum, now that I have received permission to work and my social security number. I have learned to believe in myself and my abilities. Thanks to The Center for Wellbeing-Centro Bienestar for helping me pay so that I could receive my therapy. And a big thanks to Americares for sending me to you. I am so grateful.

"En mi yo veo que pase por muchas cosas en mi vida. Llegando donde Uds. yo no queria que nadie me molestara y sentia que mi vida no valia nada. Gracias a Ud. me senti importante de nuevo y logre regresar a la persona de antes. Volvi a dedicarme a mis hijos. Empece a trabajar. Sali de mi depresion. Para mi la terapia fue muy buena y ahora trato de animar a los demas que han sufrido como yo que deben buscar terapia." ~ Maria, 40

I’ve learned that I have been through a lot in my life. When I came to The Center for Wellbeing-Centro Bienestar, I didn’t want anyone to bother me and I felt that my life wasn’t worth anything. Thanks to you I have learned to feel new and important and I was able to return to who I originally was. I rededicated myself to my children. I began a new job. I came out of my depression. For me, therapy was really good and now I try to motivate others who are suffering like I was to find therapy.

silhouette of woman with fist raised in air
girls jumping outside
“Hola queridos voluntarios mi nombre es Elizabeth tengo una hija de 12 años de edad ambas fuimos grandemente apoyadas por este grupo de psicoterapistas que nos abrigaron con sus palabras y conocimientos para salir de un momento de depresión y miedo, juntos hicimos un gran equipo para ahora poder sentirnos y estár mucho mejor GRACIAS A DIOS, a ustedes, los psicoterapistas nosotras estamos viviendo conscientemente y tranquilas. Sea Dios quien les pague su noble y bondadoso corazón MIL GRACIAS.” ~ Elizabeth, 41

Hello dear volunteers. My name is Elizabeth, and I have a 12-year-old daughter, and we both were greatly helped by this group of psychotherapists that enveloped us with their words and knowledge so that we could rise out of our depression and fear. Together we made a great team and now we feel so much better THANKS BE TO GOD. And to you the psychotherapists, we want you to know that we are at peace. May God bless you and repay you for your noble and generous heart.